Arma Partners advises European Directories, Triton Partners and Management on the sale of dogado to Cinven and OTPP
Arma Partners is delighted to announce that it has acted as exclusive financial advisor to European Directories (EDSA Group), a portfolio company of Triton Partners, on the sale of the dogado group to Cinven and Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board (OTPP).
dogado is a leading provider of online presence solutions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, offering mass and cloud hosting and digital marketing services to c.380,000 customers through brands including dogado, Metanet and Herold. Headquartered in Germany, the company employs more than 500 people and benefits from a very strong founder-led management team and a highly integrated platform that has driven exceptional organic and M&A growth.
The transaction will see Cinven and OTPP invest in the combination of group.ONE and dogado, creating a diversified, pan-European champion in the web hosting and domains market, with one-stop-shop solutions to support small and medium-sized enterprises. Together, group.ONE and dogado will be a leading player in multiple European markets for domains, web hosting, cloud hosting, business software and digital marketing services.
The sale of dogado represents another landmark transaction in the European hosting market for Arma Partners. Arma has an exceptional track record of helping founders and private equity investors realise their strategic objectives. Following other market-defining cloud transactions including Cloudreach, Contabo, Content+Cloud, LinkbyNet, Node4 and Nordcloud, this transaction further reinforces Arma Partners’ market-leading position in the cloud, internet infrastructure and web hosting sectors, and represents another example of Arma’s ability to deliver exceptional outcomes through a targeted fast moving sale process.