– BI-SAM is the market-leading integrated solution for data management, performance measurement and attribution, risk management, GIPS, and client reporting
– BI-SAM’s integrated and innovative solutions have already been adopted by many renowned investment managers with assets under management ranging from 1 billion to €1.5 trillion in more than 10 countries
– The business is headquartered in Paris, France
– Aquiline is a private equity firm based in New York investing in financial services enterprises in industries such as property and casualty insurance, banking, securities, asset management, life insurance and financial technology
– Aquiline seeks to add value to its portfolio companies through strategic, operational, and financial guidance
– Other Aquiline financial technology investments include Hedgeserv and Clear2Pay
– Bi-SAM Technologies is a fast-growing French company supported by local venture capital funds. Its international success drove the need for a new international partner and lead to the transaction with Aquiline
– Aquiline has a clear understanding of the financial technology sector. The fund can help the Company in the globalisation of its operations, increase its reputation to better engage with US financial institutions and provide the resource to grow the business both organically and through acquisition
– BI-SAM technologies is a market leader in its sector. The multi-award winning Company has strong financial records with high visibility on its revenue. Its global customer base is made of Tier 1 financials institutions with whom the Company has built long term relationship through multi-year contracts
– Arma had a long-standing relationship with the senior management of Bi-SAM, advising them informally on their strategic alternatives and timing
– Given the success of the Company, Arma and the Board both decided to launch and drive a targeted process answering part of inbound interests received and engaging discussion with relevant parties
– Arma successfully drove a focused and competitive process, optimised the terms of the transaction, advised the Board on its alternatives, lead the negotiation and executed the transaction with minimum disruption to
the business
– This deal demonstrates Arma’s success in finding the right partner for a fast growing European technology company